Wellness and Medicare

Offering related wellness services are not a Medicare-covered service, you can enter into a private pay arrangement with for provide yoga, Pilates, or strength training classes, which can improve core strength, flexibility, and general wellbeing.

Your Wellness Program

Wellness services as a continuation of care for patients whom you’ve discharged from formal physical therapy. This is a nice way to transition your existing patients who want to continue to develop strength and endurance. Another option is to wellness services—private or small group yoga, Pilates, mobility training, or performance classes.

You should feel confident that you are receiving the best possible instruction so you are safely progressing toward yout fitness goals. 

The APTA states that physical therapists are uniquely qualified to provide wellness services, specifically a safe progression of exercises to assist clients in reaching their goals. We can help transform your daily life by improving the human experience. Fee for service $125 per visit.

One day at a time. Baby steps each day on the path of wellness